UX | Web Design | Web Development

Creative Thinking :: Focused on Results

web/app development

I'm perpetually expanding my skill sets. I'm comfortable working in HTML/CSS, VanillaJS and iOS/Swift, and React is coming soon! I prefer to hand code all my work.

web design

I'm a results-focused Designer/Developer. I love writing HTML and CSS and prefer to hand code my work, but if a CMS, such as, Wordpress or Contentful, or a particular framework works better for you, than that's a better solution.

ux design & testing

I love sketching, animating, wireframing, prototyping, and testing. Full gammut UX Design and Testing services provided. AdobeXD / SketchApp / InVision / Balsamiq, etc. depending on your needs and/or philosophical bent.
I always start projects on paper/glassboard... I find it is easier and quicker to brainstorm and iterate on, particularly when conceptualizing something completely new. All FINAL designs are professionially rendered and delivered in digital format, of course.

Recent Work

24-hour Website

This is a website I built for a client in 24-hours. Built with HTML5, CSS3, flexbox/ grids, and minimal Javascript. This is not the live site; but, rather my dev version with a 1-page design.

One-page Website

Built with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and JQuery, this website is SIMPLE and FAST, and OPTIMIZED for the elderly user - using images and large fonts as the primary method of communicating ideas.

Web App

Built with HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery, this really shows what you can do with just Flexbox and Grids. Add a webmanifest and a backend, its a craft beer app.

Graphic Design

This was a fun exploration of 3D-Lettering mixed with another passion of mine, rock climbing. I found an image of Plumbers Crack, NV, and imposed the letters C-L-I-M-B into the rock.

Hi-Def Prototype

My ASU Senior Capstone Project: a "Website Prototype Design and Development" for the livingwithtourette.com website.

Print Media

A whimsical imagination of our world in the future. Are you ready for it? I created this cover from "scratch". I found an image, removed the unecessary, then added: the dog, female android and her chair, shadows and the pixel-perfect text.

Get In Touch

The best way to reach me is via Twitter or LinkedIn, but I am available through traditional channels. Why not schedule an online meeting so we can discuss how I can best help you achieve your goals!